Conversational, thought-provoking, and inspiring, HOPE For Struggling CATHOLICS offers a heartfelt exploration of the challenges faced by Catholics worldwide grappling with frustration, anger, disillusionment, or detachment from their faith. Through her personal quest and experiences, Suzanne Bracci inspires readers to embrace a transformative perspective and find renewed hope, understanding, and appreciation for their faith.
From the challenges of not feeling like a “good enough” Catholic to experiencing profound disillusionment with the Church, Bracci navigates her lifelong faith journey—from an “obedient” Catholic to a bewildered one, ultimately arriving at a place of deep renewal in the love of God and her faith. She encourages readers to renew their minds and hearts by providing insights on healing and moving forward from both human injustices within the Church and life's challenges, all while centering their lives on Jesus.
This compelling narrative will encourage you to think differently and offers an inspiring perspective that will put you on a resilient path to HOPE for being renewed in faith and your best self. A must-read for anyone who has fallen-away, is questioning or simply wishes to strengthen their faith, HOPE for Struggling CATHOLICS fosters resilience, hope, and peace.
Understand why it’s worth it to have FAITH, despite problems with religion
Experience HOPE in the biblical promises of God
Move forward with practical ideas for deepening your personal FAITH walk and strengthening the Catholic Church & Christianity as a whole
Grow in your LOVE for God, others and yourself
Nurture greater well-being, replacing anxiety and discontentment with PEACE and JOY
Gain a healthier perspective in viewing Catholicism and religion
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Sr. Margaret Donner
“Suzanne's book gives new life and hope to those who feel their faith life is waning or are disillusioned by the Church. The Word of God comes alive and active in everyday life for those who desire to see with new eyes."
Rev. Peter Drilling
"Suzanne Bracci's book of short reflections is magnificent and of immense value to adult Christians who are seeking to deepen their faith in Jesus and in the Body of Christ that is His Church. Readers will be much encouraged in their spiritual life. It doesn't get better than this."
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